Reed, Misty
Address: Selkirk Elementary
219 Park St.
PO Box 68
Metaline Falls, WA 99153
Selkirk Middle / High School
10372 Hwy. 31
Ione, WA 99139
I can be reached by phone at:
Selkirk Elementary 509-446-4225
Selkirk Middle / High 509-446-3505
Head Lice
Dear Parents,
As the school year begins, we ask that you check your child weekly for head lice. Head lice is common in the fall months. Lice is not caused by dirty hair or unclean households, but by close proximity to other hair shafts where lice are already present.
The telltale sign of lice is itching, especially behind the ears, on the scalp, and at the nape of the neck. If you look closely at your child's head under a bright light, you may spot light brown, sesame seed-sized bugs darting around or, you may just see their eggs, called nits, clinging to the hair shaft close to the scalp. Most kids have only about 10 live lice on their head at any given time, but their scalp can be home to several hundred eggs.
If you discover any nits or live lice, please let us know at school so that we can make an extra effort to clean the surfaces in the classrooms after students leave for the day. The best way to prevent the spread is to share the news! Believe me, parents are grateful when other parents share the information rather than hiding it out of needless embarrassment.
If you need assistance or tips on getting rid of nits or live lice, the link below is to a short informational (and humorous) short video that discusses the use of both a chemical agent (like Nix or RID) once and a more natural and gentle product (Olive oil) every three days for a period of a month. The video also explains why heat (dryer, blower dryer, etc.) is your best friend and describes the cleaning process to prevent lice from re-infesting your home!
Parents will be contacted if live lice are present on a student’s scalp, however, we encourage you to check your child’s head frequently.
Here are links to YouTube videos "Head Lice to Dead Lice" (Part 1 - Head Lice to Dead Lice) (Part 2 - 5 Step Battle Plan)
Head Lice to Dead Lice - Five-Step Battle Plan (PDF)
It is flu season and the flu can be dangerous for children. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a guide with information about what the flu is, how to protect against it, and what to do if your child gets the flu. Click on this link to access the guide: The Flu: A Guide for Parents.
Letter to Parents/Guardians of Students with Health ConditionsIf your child has a health condition or is taking any medications during the school hours, whether the medicines are prescribed or “as needed” (i.e.: in an emergency basis or just for headaches, etc.), Misty Reed, School Nurse, needs to have a health plan and/or Doctor’s order on file at the school. Information was sent home in June, to parents of children that may have had a Health Plan or were taking medications during the past school year so these children will have their health needs “on record” and have the required paperwork in place the day they start school in September!
If you are new to our school district or your child has a “new” health concern; for their health and safety during the school hours and/or any school function; please call the school or Mrs. Reed to find out which forms are needed. Doctor’s offices have these forms and most of them are aware that they need to fill them out for the child to have medication at school. They need to be filled out by both your child’s doctor and you, the parent/guardian. Students in grades K-5 may not carry medication in their backpacks. Students in grades 6-8 may only carry over-the-counter medication in backpacks but it must be recorded in the office.
Please call the school or email Mrs. Misty Reed, R.N. at if you have any questions or concerns about this medical issue.