SELKIRK WATER UPDATE: The water is back on at the high school! Is that statement a little deja' vu? Well, it's true! Thanks to PUD employees John, Jeff, and Ryan along with our own maintenance man, John Cain, the system is functioning again and school is back to in-person for grades 6-12 tomorrow, Wed, Sept 29.
IMPORTANT WATER UPDATE - PLEASE READ: Selkirk High School water pump system went out overnight and early morning repairs are taking longer, so we will continue a 2nd day of remote learning in grades 6-12. No in-person school for grades 6-12 on Tuesday, Sept 28 after all. It seem that when it rains, it pours!
Selkirk Water Update: Thanks to the hard work of our maintenance and custodial staff aided by Z&Z, TECK mine employees, and other community members, we were able to repair the main water line to the high school so classes will resume in-person as normal tomorrow (Tues, Sept 28) for all students.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Grades 6-12 will move to remote learning for Monday, Sept 27 ONLY because of a burst water line at the high school. Students will need to check-in online with each teacher for attendance and assignments. No in-person program for grades 6-12, however, buses will run as normal for grades K-5.
FYI - Thursday, Sept. 23: Buses are running 10-15 minutes late this afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they are on their way now!
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Northeast Tri-County Health District is partnering with Washington Department of Health's Care-A-Van team to provide additional COVID vaccination opportunities to the public. The free public clinic in our area will be held Wednesday, September 29, from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in the Selkirk High School parking area. No appointment is required. This is a drive-in clinic free to the public. If you missed the first clinic earlier this month, they can still provide you with your "first dose" on September 29. They will have all three vaccine types available: Pfizer (ages 12+) Moderna (ages 18+), Johnson & Johnson (ages 18+).
Picture Day Tomorrow! Tuesday, September 14 is picture day for K-12 students at Selkirk.
Public Service Announcement: Northeast Tri-County Health District is partnering with Washington Department of Health's Care-A-Van team to provide additional COVID vaccination opportunities to the public. The free public clinic in our area will be held Wednesday, September 8, from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in the Selkirk High School parking area. No appointment is required. This is a drive-in clinic free to the public.
Based on the number of participants currently in COVID protocol, Friday's football game with Mary Walker has been canceled. If you wish to receive all sports updates, please contact Athletic Director, Kelly Cain ( to be placed on the email list.
Welcome Back Students! We are returning to a full day schedule this year!
Elementary School begins at 8:05 & ends at 3:25 -
Middle school begins at 8:04 & ends at 3:36 -
High School begins at 8:00 & ends at 3:38 -
MS & HS Daily Class Schedules can be found here:
Open House tonight at 4:30 - 5:30 for Selkirk Elementary students in grades 1-5 (Kindergarten families have 1:1 meetings next week)! This is our annual open house for students to drop off supplies, meet the teacher, and see the classroom. Masks will be required to enter the building but teachers are setting up outside to visit with families and students. Masks are only required to enter the building or classroom, not outside.
Back to School BBQ for 6th - 12th grade Selkirk students on Wednesday, August 25. SCHEDULE: 6:00 - 6th grade students, 6:30 p.m. - 7th & 8th grade students, 6:50 p.m. - 9th grade students, 7:20 p.m. - 10th, 11th, & 12th grade students! Mask will be required at this event. Please park in the north "student" parking area and enter through the gym!
Don't forget your school supplies! Here is a link to the Supply Lists -
A video welcome back message from Superintendent Lotze. We are looking forward to the new school year!
Happening today....Second Harvest Mobile Market at Selkirk High School north parking lot. Drive-thru distribution of pre-packaged food boxes as well as free produce, meats, and other food are available for up to 250 families!
If you suspect that your child ages 0-21 has a disability or would like your 3-5 year old screened for preschool please call Selkirk School District for an appointment.
First Day of School is August 30th! School Supply Lists Are Available Here:
We would like to introduce Mrs. Amanda Burnett as Selkirk’s new 6-12 principal. After three years here, Mr. DeRoest moved to Pasco to be closer to his new wife and family. A committee of high school teachers, classified staff, and parents interviewed candidates and recommended Mrs. Burnett for hire which was confirmed by the Selkirk School District Board of Directors. She officially began work as principal on July 1. Mrs. Burnett has worked for the school district since 2015-16 school year starting as a fourth grade teacher and moving to the secondary level in 2019 as a College and Career Teacher. She completed her principal certification through Washington State University and is excited to begin her journey as our secondary principal. Please join me in congratulating Mrs. Burnett and welcoming her to her new role!
Community Service Announcement: Ione Baptist Church Ed building will be open as a cooling center from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day through July 6. The Ed building is air conditioned! Lunch will be available if you are there at meal time. Please share this information with community members. Stay safe and hydrated this week!
Looking for a great place to work? Check out our job openings! The Selkirk School District is an innovative district focusing on quality programs for our students in a 4-day school week! We have amazing parent and community support, a beautiful place to live, and a positive work environment.